
This member function deletes a property from the record.


void DeleteProp( WORD wPropIdent );

At a Glance

Header file: Wcedb.h
Versions: 2.0 and later


The application-defined identifier of the property to delete.

Return Values

This function has no return value.


DeleteProp releases the pointer to a property stored in the CCeDBRecord object's internal list, and frees its member strings and CEBLOB structure. The record's internal list only contains pointers to properties that were created by calling ReadCurrRecord. If the property specified was added using either the AddProp or AddProps member function, DeleteProp does not free its memory.

In a Windows CE object store database, you can delete a property on which a sort order has been defined without any adverse effects. By default, when a database is opened with an active sort property, records that do not contain the corresponding property are placed last in the sort order. If the sort property was defined in CCeDBDatabase::Create or CCeDBDatabase::SetSortProps with the flag Sort_UnknownFirst, they are placed first.

See Also

CCeDBRecord Overview, CCeDBRecord Member Functions, Windows CE Database Support, CCeDBProp, CCeDBDatabase::Create, CCeDBRecord::DeleteAllProps, CCeDBDatabase::SetSortProps