
The CDialog class encapsulates the functionality of a Windows dialog box.

At a Glance

Header File Afxwin.h
Versions 1.0 and later
Complete documentation Visual C++ documentation


In Windows CE, all dialog boxes are control parents, and are also recursive. This means that if a dialog box has a child dialog box, when a user tabs through the parent dialog box, the dialog manager always tabs into the child dialog box as well.

If a dialog box is outside the visible area of the screen, Windows CE does not automatically reposition it. Windows CE does not support the DM_REPOSITION message.

If a user presses alt+h while the dialog box has the input focus, the system posts a WM_HELP message to the dialog procedure. An application should respond to this message by displaying context-sensitive help for the dialog box.

See Also

CDialog Member Functions, Dialog Box Classes, Application-Defined Dialog Boxes