
Call this member function to retrieve a specific substring describing the document type. The string containing these substrings is stored in the document template and is derived from a string in the resource file for the application. The framework calls this member function to get the strings it needs for the application's user interface. If you have specified a filename extension for your application's documents, the framework also calls this member function when adding an entry to the Windows registration database; this allows documents to be opened from the Windows File Manager.

Call this member function only if you are deriving your own class from CDocTemplate.


virtual BOOL GetDocString( CString& rString, enum DocStringIndex index ) const;

At a Glance

Header File Afxwin.h
Versions 1.0 and later
Complete documentation Visual C++ documentation

See Also

CDocTemplate Overview, CDocTemplate Member Functions, Application Architecture Classes, CSingleDocTemplate::CSingleDocTemplate