
The CFileDialog class encapsulates the Windows common file dialog box, which provides an easy way to implement the standard File Open and File Save As dialog boxes.

At a Glance

Header File Afxdlgs.h
Versions 1.0 and later
Complete documentation Visual C++ documentation


In Windows CE, the file dialogs cannot set or check a file's read-only status, a user cannot select multiple files simultaneously, and the maximum length file name a user can enter in the text box is 255 characters. Windows CE does not currently support drag-and-drop in the Open and Save As dialog boxes.

Windows CE does not support all the fields of the OPENFILENAME structure.

For more information about the Open and Save As dialog boxes, see The Open and Save As Dialog Boxes.

See Also

CFileDialog Member Functions, CFileDialog Data Members, Dialog Box Classes, OPENFILENAME