CFindReplaceDialog Member Functions

CFindReplaceDialog Call this member function to construct a CFindReplaceDialog object.
Create Creates and displays a CFindReplaceDialog dialog box.

FindNext Call this member function to determine whether the user wants to find the next occurrence of the find string.
GetNotifier Call this member function to retrieve the FINDREPLACE structure in your registered message handler.
GetFindString Call this member function to retrieve the current find string.
GetReplaceString Call this member function to retrieve the current replace string.
IsTerminating Call this member function to determine whether the dialog box is terminating.
MatchCase Call this member function to determine whether the user wants to match the case of the find string exactly.
MatchWholeWord Call this member function to determine whether the user wants to match entire words only.
ReplaceAll Call this member function to determine whether the user wants all occurrences of the string to be replaced.
ReplaceCurrent Call this member function to determine whether the user wants the current word to be replaced.
SearchDown Call this member function to determine whether the user wants the search to proceed in a downward direction.

See Also

CFindReplaceDialog Overview, CFindReplaceDialog Data Members, CFindReplaceDialog Structures, Dialog Box Classes