
Call this member function to initialize a CFontHolder object. Call this function after constructing a CFontHolder object.

If pFontDispAmbient is not NULL, the CFontHolder object is connected to a clone of the IFont interface used by the container's ambient Font property.

If pFontDispAmbient is NULL, a new Font object is created either from the font description pointed to by pFontDesc or, if pFontDesc is NULL, from a default description.


void InitializeFont( const FONTDESC FAR* pFontDesc = NULL, LPDISPATCH pFontDispAmbient = NULL );

At a Glance

Header file: Afxctl.h
Versions: 2.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation

See Also

CFontHolder Overview, CFontHolder Member Functions, ActiveX Type Wrappers, CFontHolder::CFontHolder