CImageList Member Functions

CImageList Constructs a CImageList object.
Create Initializes an image list and attaches it to a CImageList object.

GetSafeHandle Retrieves m_hImageList.
GetImageCount Retrieves the number of images in an image list.
SetBkColor Sets the background color for an image list.
GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color for an image list.
GetImageInfo Retrieves information about an image.

Attach Attaches an image list to a CImageList object.
Detach Detaches an image list object from a CImageList object and returns a handle to an image list.
DeleteImageList Deletes an image list.
Add Adds an image or images to an image list.
Remove Removes an image from an image list.
Replace Replaces an image in an image list with a new image.
ExtractIcon Creates an icon based on an image and mask in an image list.
Draw Draws the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation.
SetOverlayImage Adds the zero-based index of an image to the list of images to be used as overlay masks.
SetDragCursorImage Creates a new drag image.
Read Reads an image list from an archive.
Write Writes an image list to an archive.
GetDragImage Gets the temporary image list that is used for dragging.
BeginDrag Begins dragging an image.
DragEnter Locks updates during a drag operation and displays the drag image at a specified position.
EndDrag Ends a drag operation.
DragLeave Unlocks the window and hides the drag image so that the window can be updated.
DragMove Moves the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation.
DragShowNolock Shows or hides the drag image during a drag operation, without locking the window.

See Also

CImageList Overview, CImageList Data Members, Control Support Classes