COleDateTime Member Functions

COleDateTime Constructs a COleDateTime object.
GetCurrentTime Creates a COleDateTime object that represents the current time. This is a static member function.

GetStatus Retrieves the status (validity) of this COleDateTime object.
SetStatus Sets the status (validity) of this COleDateTime object.
GetYear Returns the year this COleDateTime object represents.
GetMonth Returns the month this COleDateTime object represents (1 – 12).
GetDay Returns the day this COleDateTime object represents (1 – 31).
GetHour Returns the hour this COleDateTime object represents (0 – 23).
GetMinute Returns the minute this COleDateTime object represents (0 – 59).
GetSecond Returns the second this COleDateTime object represents (0 – 59).
GetDayOfWeek Returns the day of the week this COleDateTime object represents (Sunday = 1).
GetDayOfYear Returns the day of the year this COleDateTime object represents (Jan 1 = 1).

SetDateTime Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified date/time value.
SetDate Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified date-only value.
SetTime Sets the value of this COleDateTime object to the specified time-only value.
ParseDateTime Reads a date/time value from a string and sets the value of COleDateTime.

See Also

COleDateTime Overview, COleDateTime Operators, COleDateTime Data Members, COleDateTime Enumerations, Automation Types