COleObjectFactory Member Functions

COleObjectFactory Constructs a COleObjectFactory object.

GetClassID Returns the COM class ID of the objects this factory creates.
IsRegistered Indicates whether the object factory is registered with the system DLLs.

Register Registers this object factory with the system DLLs.
RegisterAll Registers all of the application's object factories with system DLLs.
UpdateRegistryAll Registers all of the application's object factories with the system registry.

GetLicenseKey Requests a unique key from the control's DLL.
OnCreateObject Called by the framework to create a new object of this factory's type.
UpdateRegistry Registers this object factory with the system registry.
VerifyLicenseKey Verifies that the key embedded in the control matches the key embedded in the container.
VerifyUserLicense Verifies that the control is licensed for design-time use.

See Also

COleObjectFactory Overview, Application Architecture Classes