COlePropertyPage Member Functions

COlePropertyPage Constructs a COlePropertyPage object.

GetControlStatus Indicates whether the user has modified the value in the control.
GetObjectArray Returns the array of objects being edited by the property page.
GetPageSite Returns a pointer to the property page's IPropertyPageSite interface.
IgnoreApply Determines which controls do not enable the Apply button.
IsModified Indicates whether the user has modified the property page.
SetControlStatus Sets a flag indicating whether the user has modified the value in the control.
SetDialogResource Sets the property page's dialog resource.
SetHelpInfo Sets the property page's brief help text, the name of its help file, and its help context.
SetModifiedFlag Sets a flag indicating whether the user has modified the property page.
SetPageName Sets the property page's name (caption).

OnEditProperty Called by the framework when the user edits a property.
OnHelp Called by the framework when the user invokes help.
OnInitDialog Called by the framework when the property page is initialized.
OnObjectsChanged Called by the framework when another control, with new properties, is chosen.
OnSetPageSite Called by the framework when the property frame provides the page's site.

See Also

COlePropertyPage Overview, Dialog Box Classes