CWinApp Data Members

Data Members
m_pszAppName Specifies the name of the application.
m_hInstance Identifies the current instance of the application.
m_hPrevInstance Set to NULL in a 32-bit application.
m_lpCmdLine Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the command line for the application.
m_nCmdShow Specifies how the window is to be shown initially.
m_bHelpMode Indicates if the user is in Help context mode (typically invoked with SHIFT+F1).
m_pszExeName The module name of the application. This data member is not initialized to the application's name in Windows CE.
m_pszHelpFilePath The path to the application's Help file.
m_pszProfileName The application's .INI filename.
m_pszRegistryKey Used to determine the full registry key for storing application profile settings.

See Also

CWinApp Overview, CWinApp Member Functions, Application Architecture Classes