Modified MFC Classes

In Windows CE, each of the following MFC classes is different in some respect than it is in the standard MFC implementation. See the following topics to find out what you have to do differently when using these classes in your Windows CE application.

CBitmap COleControl
CBrush COleDateTime
CButton COleDateTimeSpan
CComboBox COleObjectFactory
CCommandLineInfo CPen
CCommonDialog CPropertyPage
CDC CPropertySheet
CDialog CRectTracker
CDocTemplate CRgn
CDocument CScrollBar
CEdit CSpinButtonCtrl
CEditView CStatic
CEvent CString
CFile CSyncObject
CFileDialog CTabCtrl
CFont CTime
CFrameWnd CView
CGdiObject CWinApp
CListBox CWinThread
CListCtrl CWnd