You create a device driver either by adapting a sample driver, or writing a driver from scratch. You can write Windows device drivers in assembly language or in a high-level language such as the C language. Assembly language programmers can use the CMACROS assembly-language macro package.
To create a device driver, you need to:
1. Read the chapter in this manual that describes the driver for your type of device.
2. Write the required driver functions.
3. Create and compile the required resources.
Every device driver must have at least a VERSIONINFO resource that contains the version stamp for the driver. Setup and Control Panel both look for this resource when installing drivers.
4. Create a module-definition file that identifies the appropriate module name for your driver, and exports the required functions.
5. Assemble and link your driver.
6. Test your driver using the debugging version of Windows.
7. Create an installation file (*.INF) for your driver and related files.
8. Create your final distribution disk or disks.