The VMM passes the following parameters to the real-mode initialization procedure:
Parameter | Description |
AX | Specifies the version number of the virtual machine manager. The AH register contains the major version number, and the AL register contains the minor version number. |
BX | Specifies the loading flags. This register contains one of the following values: |
Duplicate_Device_ID | Device with same device identifier already loaded. |
Duplicate_From_INT2F | Duplicate device identifier already loaded from Interrupt 2Fh device list. |
Loading_From_INT2F | This device was specified in the Interrupt 2Fh device list. |
ECX | Specifies the 32-bit address (segment:offset) of the entry point for real-mode initialization services. Virtual devices can call these services to retrieve settings from the registry and the SYSTEM.INI file. |
EDX | Specifies a pointer to reference data provided in the Interrupt 2Fh. This register contains zero if there is no reference data. |
SI | Specifies the segment address of the environment passed from MS-DOS. |
SS:SP | Specifies the 32-bit address (segment:offset) of the stack. |