Completing the INF File Header Section

Every INF file has a header. Infedit creates a default header when you open a new INF file. To look at the header on the example INF file, double-click on the top-most folder in the Infedit interface, the folder just to the left of the INF file name (which in the example case is XSCSI.INF).

To complete this header, you must supply a value for the Class item. In the example case of the CX2590, the class name is the string "SCSIAdapter." For a list of all the device classes recognized by Windows 95, see the topic Introducing the INF Editor. If your device is not in a class recognized by Windows 95, then in addition to setting the Class item value here in the INF file header, you will also have to put a Class Install section into your INF file. Use the Class Install folder in the Infedit interface to do that. See the Class Install Section topic in the "Reference" section for information about the items that go into a Class Install section.

You may also want to supply a value for the Provider item in the header. This is the name of the organization that builds and tests the INF file. For example, in this case it might be Corporation X.

You also must ensure that the INF file signature value is correct. It must be $CHICAGO$. If the Signature item has any value other than $CHICAGO$, change it. The code that checks this signature in the installer uses a case-insensitive string comparison on the Signature item value, so you can use $Chicago$, for example.

A layout file is an alternative way to specify the file and directory structure on the installation media. In the example case, where there are only two files on one installation diskette and they are both in the root directory, there is no need to use a layout file.

Note that the Default Destination Directory item has the value that was put into the INF file header section earlier (in this example, the value is C:\BIN).