Dynamic Hardware Install Wizard Constants

Constants that are used when adding custom pages to the hardware install wizard.



The maximum number of dynamic hardware installation wizard pages that can be added by a class installer.


Resource ID for the first page that the install wizard will go to after adding the class installer pages.


Resource ID for the page that the Select Device page will go back to.


Resource ID for the page that the Select Device page will go forward to.


Resource ID for the page that the Analyze page will go back to. This will only be used in the event that there is a problem (i.e a conflict), and the user selects Back from the analyze page.


Resource ID for the page that the Analyze page will go to if it continues forward. The wAnalyzeResult in the INSTALLWIZARDDATA struct will contain the anaysis results.


Resource ID for that page that the Install detected devices page will go back to.


Resource ID for the page that the Install detected devices page will go forward to.


Resource ID for the page that the Install detected devices page will go to in the event that no devices are detected.


Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's select device page. This ID can be used to go directly to the hardware install wizard's select device page.


Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's device analysis page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's analysis page.


Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's install detected devices page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's install detected devices page.


Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's select class page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's select class page.