
RETERR  WINAPI IpGetProfileString(HINF hInf, LPCSTR lpszSec, 
    LPCSTR lpszKey, LPSTR lpszBuf, int iBufSize)
HINF hInf;  // handle to the setup script
LPCSTR lpszSec;  // section name
LPCSTR lpszKey;  // key name
LPSTR lpszBuf;  // buffer to receive the string
int iBufSize;  // size of the lpszBuf buffer

IpGetProfileString is a SETUPX call used to read parameters out of a setup script. It functions very much like the standard Windows API GetPrivateProfileString.


The handle to the setup script (passed in as a parameter to the NDI_CREATE message).


The address of a string containing the section name in the setup script.


The address of a string containing the name of the parameter to read from the setup.


The address of a buffer to receive the value of the parameter.


The size of the buffer pointed to by lpszBuf.