
DWORD Pixel(LPPDEVICE lpDestDev, WORD X, WORD Y, DWORD dwPhysColor, 
    LPDRAWMODE lpDrawMode);

Sets or retrieves the color of the specified pixel. The function sets the given pixel to the color given by the dwPhysColor parameter if the lpDrawMode parameter specifies a binary-raster operation. The Pixel function returns the physical color of the pixel if the lpDrawMode parameter is NULL. Every graphics driver must export a Pixel function.


Address of a PDEVICE or PBITMAP structure that specifies the destination device or bitmap.

X and Y

x- and y-coordinate of the pixel to retrieve or set.


Physical color value used to set the pixel.


Address of a DRAWMODE structure that specifies the binary-raster operation to use to combine the physical color with the existing pixel color.

If lpDrawMode is NULL, the Pixel function returns the current color of the specified pixel.

The export ordinal for this function is 9.

GDI calls this function when simulating output or when an application calls the SetPixel or GetPixel function (GDI.31 or GDI.83).