Introduction to the Windows 95 Infrared Communications DDK

Infrared communications is an optional component of the Windows® 95 system. It is added to a Windows 95 computer by running a Setup program on a Windows 95 Infrared Communications driver installation diskette. For IR adapters distributed by IHVs, the installation diskette is distributed by the IHV (the IR adapter manufacturer). For IR devices built into computer platforms by OEMs, the OEM typically uses the installation diskette image to install Infrared Communications on the platform in the factory and then distributes the installation diskette with the platform so the end user can remove and reinstall Infrared Communications as needed.

The Windows 95 Infrared (IR) Communications driver is the set of software executable components that manufacturers of IrDA-compatible infrared devices distribute with their devices to run on Windows 95 computers. The driver is available as a separate product and is also included in this IR Communications DDK, in the RETAIL subdirectory of the DDK.

In addition to the executable driver, this IR Communications DDK includes sample source code and build tools that enable an IHV or OEM to create a new version of the IR Communications driver. The sample source code, libraries, and MAKEFILE are in the DDK subdirectory of the DDK.

With this release of IR Communications DDK you can build a driver that supports add-on IR adapters and built-in IR devices running up to 115.2 Kbps. A future release of IR Communications DDK will also support OEMs who build high-speed IR devices into Windows 95 computers. High-speed IR devices run at 1.152 Mbps and 4.0 Mbps.