Road Map for Building an IR Communications Driver

The Infrared Communications for Windows 95 installation disk image is distributed in two ways by OEMs:

The following steps are required to adapt Windows 95 Infrared Communications to your hardware.

1. Install the Windows 95 Infrared Communications DDK; see Step 1. Installing the Infrared Communications DDK.

2. Adapt the sample source code in OEMDONGL.C, which is part of the IrFramer, to your hardware; see Step 2. Adapting the OEMDONGL.C Source Code.

3. Build a version of OEMDONGL.VXD, the OEM-provided part of the IrFramer, that is adapted to your infrared hardware; Step 3. Building Your Version of OEMDONGL.VXD.

4. Create an Infrared Communications for Windows 95 installation diskette; see Step 4. Creating an Installation Diskette and Installing the IR Communications Software.

5. Install IR Communications on two Windows 95 computers that have your dongles attached and then experiment with your hardware, using different transmission speeds and framer capability settings. See Step 5. Using the IR Communications Software to Experiment with Your IR Device.