
void OemToAnsiBuff(LPSTR lpSrc, LPSTR lpDst, 
    WORD nCount);

Translates a string of OEM characters to ANSI. However, use this function to translate fixed-length byte arrays, such as database records, which may contain NULL bytes.

lpSrc and lpDst

Address of the input ANSI string, and the output OEM string.


Length, in bytes, of the input string.

The export ordinal for this function is 135.

The lpSrc and lpDst parameters may point to the same buffer.

The code page used to translate the character depends on the current code page (as set when Windows calls the Enable function). For most drivers, the default translation is code page 437 (the standard U.S. IBM-PC character set).

See also Enable, OemToAnsi, AnsiToOemBuff