The following topics show how to adapt the MDK sample INF file SMPDATA.INF to be used with different modem models from a different modem manufacturer.
Suppose you are working for the Zip Corporation and want to adapt the SMPDATA.INF sample for your modems, which are also a non-Plug and Play 28.8Kbps external modem and a 14.4Kbps PCMCIA modem. First, adapt the [Version] and [Strings] sections. Listings of the SMPDATA.INF [Version] and [Strings] sections are shown below:
[Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=%ClassName% ;new requirement for modem class of devices ClassGUID={4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%Mfg% . . . [Strings] ClassName = "Modem" Mfg = "Microsoft" Modem1 = "Microsoft 144 PCMCIA Data Fax Modem" Modem2 = "Microsoft 288 External Data Fax Modem"
You must make sure the following entry, which gives the GUID for the modem class of devices, is in the [Version] section:
;new requirement for modem class of devices ClassGUID={4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Change the [Strings] section to include the friendly (displayable) names of the Zip Corporation and the Zip modem models. For example:
[Strings] ClassName = "Modem" Mfg = "Zip" Modem1 = "Zippy 144 PCMCIA Data Fax Modem" Modem2 = "Zippy 288 External Data Fax Modem"