Adding an Uninstall Section

You must also create an Update Ini File section that removes VoiceView components from Windows 95 when a VoiceView modem is removed or uninstalled from the system.

Note also that this new AddReg section must be referenced in an Uninstall= item in the Install section (see Modifying the Install Section for an example of such an Uninstall= item).

setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group4=""%APPS_DESC%"""         ;creates folder
setup.ini, group4,, """%FileXfer_DESC%"""                    ;deletes link
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "SendTo=""..\..\%SendTo_DESC%""" ;creates folder
setup.ini, SendTo,,"""%SendToPhone_DESC%"""                  ;deletes link
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group1=""%StartUp_DESC%"""      ;creates folder
setup.ini, group1,, """%StartXfer_DESC%"""                   ;deletes link

UpdateInis  = VView.Rem.Inis