LineSetPlayFormat, LineSetRecordFormat, HandsetSetPlayFormat, and HandsetSetRecordFormat

Commands to send to the modem to set the record/play format.

One or more command strings can be used. For example,

HKR, LineSetPlayFormat,        1,, "at#vls=0"

HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,      1,, "None"
HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,      2,, "NoResponse"

HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat,   1,,"at#vsr=7200"
HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat,   2,,"at#vbs=4"

HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,     1,,"at#vsr=7200"
HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,     2,,"at#vbs=4"

If the modem is using the serial wave driver, and the baud rate needs to be set, the baud rate command should be the last command listed.