
include vmd.inc

VxDcall VMD_Get_Mouse_Data
mov     MouseType, ah
mov     IRQ, al
mov     BallPointID, ecx
mov     ButtonCount, dh
mov     PortNumber, dl

Allows a virtual device to retrieve information about the mouse that a mouse minidriver has registered using a previous call to the VMD_Set_Mouse_Data service. VMOUSE stores information for only one mouse at a time. Uses EAX, ECX, and EDX.


Mouse-type identifier. For a lost of possible values, see the descripton of the VMD_Set_Mouse_Data service.


IRQ the mouse is using.


Identifier of BallPoint, or zero if the mouse is not a BallPoint.


Number of buttons on the mouse supported by the mouse minidriver.


Serial port to which the mouse is connected, if the mouse is a serial or InPort mouse; otherwise zero.

See also VMD_Set_Mouse_Data