Sent to a MIDI input device driver to add a buffer to the input queue.


The driver failed to load or initialize.


The driver does not support this message.


The specified data buffer has not been prepared for input.

DWORD dwParam1

Specifies a far pointer to a MIDIHDR data structure identifying the buffer.

DWORD dwParam2

Specifies the size of the MIDIHDR structure.

The driver should clear the MHDR_DONE bit and set the MHDR_INQUEUE bit in the header structure, and place the data block in its input queue. Then the driver should return control to the client by returning MMSYSERR_NOERROR.

Input to the buffer should occur as an interrupt-driven process. Only system-exclusive data should be placed in the buffer. Other MIDI events should be sent directly to the client application by sending a MIM_DATA message with the DriverCallback function.

Recording begins when the driver receives a MIDM_START message. Once the data block has been filled with data, the driver should set the MHDR_DONE bit and clear the MHDR_INQUEUE bit before notifying the client by using DriverCallback to send a MIM_DATA message.

If the driver receives data with no buffers in its input queue, it should ignore the data without notifying the client.