Sent to a MIDI output device to clean up the preparation performed by the MODM_PREPARE message.
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED | The driver failed to load or initialize. |
DWORD dwParam1
Specifies a far pointer to MIDIHDR structure identifying the data block.
DWORD dwParam2
Specifies the size of the MIDIHDR structure.
Driver support for this message is optional. If a driver supports the MODM_PREPARE message, then it must also support MODM_UNPREPARE.
The default response for this message is to return MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED. In this case, MMSYSTEM will clean up the preparation previously done on the memory block. If a driver performs the preparation itself, it must clean up the preparation and reset the MHDR_PREPARED flag in the dwFlags field of the MIDIHDR structure.