Sent to a waveform input device driver to request the capabilities of a specific waveform input device.
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED | The driver failed to load or initialize. |
DWORD dwParam1
For Plug and Play drivers, specifies a pointer to an MDEVICECAPSEX structure. The driver fills this structure with the capabilities of the device.
For non-Plug and Play drivers, specifies a far pointer to a WAVEINCAPS data structure. The driver fills this structure with the capabilities of the device.
DWORD dwParam2
For Plug and Play drivers, specifies a device node.
For non-Plug and Play drivers, specifies the size of the WAVEINCAPS data structure in bytes.
For non-Plug and Play drivers, the driver should only write dwParam2 or less bytes to the location pointed to by dwParam1. If dwParam2 is 0, write nothing and return MMSYSERR_NOERROR.