Extended Command Messages

Extended command messages apply to particular device types such as animation devices. Device types with extended commands have capabilities that are not present in most types of MCI devices. Many of the required and basic commands are extended to use the capabilities of a device. MCI has the following types of extended commands:

The extended commands are summarized in this section. The details of operation are included in the MCI reference section of this chapter. Use these commands only if they apply to your device. If you do use an extended command, it must support the flags that are common to all devices using the command. If your device driver does not support an extended command, return MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND.

Extended Commands for Working with MCI Element Files

MCI devices that let you edit data can have extended commands for manipulating data. Applications send the following commands to devices that support editing:

MCI Message



Copies data from the MCI element to the Clipboard.


Moves data from the MCI element to the Clipboard.


Removes data from the MCI element.


Pastes data from the Clipboard to the MCI element.

Extended Commands for Device Operation and Positioning

MCI devices can have operating capabilities that apply only to a device type or that apply to a device with unique features. Applications send the following commands to devices that have specialized operating capabilities:

MCI Message



Cue a device for playback or recording.


Sends a string command directly to a device handler.


Continue playback or recording previously paused.


Start or stop spinning a rotating media device such as a laserdisc.


Step a device one or more frames.

Extended Command for Windowed Video Devices

Video devices that display data in a window on the computer display can have MCI commands for controlling the video display and window. These devices include animation movie players and video overlay devices. Applications send the following commands video devices that display images in a window:

MCI Message



Stops video capture.


Defines a source or destination clipping rectangle.


Has a graphic device to realize its palette.


Restores video capture.


Has a graphic device update or paint the current frame.


Determines the extent of a clipping rectangle.


Specifies a window and the window characteristics used for display.