typedef struct joycaps_tag {
    UINT  wMid;                  // manufacturer ID of joystick
    UINT  wPid;                  // product ID of joystick
    char  szPname[MAXPNAMELEN];  // product name of joystick
    UINT  wXmin;                 // x-axis minimum logical value
    UINT  wXmax;                 // x-axis maximum logical value
    UINT  wYmin;                 // y-axis minimum logical value
    UINT  wYmax;                 // y-axis maximum logical value
    UINT  wZmin;                 // z-axis minimum logical value
    UINT  wZmax;                 // z-axis maximum logical value
    UINT  wNumButtons;           // number of buttons on joystick
    UINT  wPeriodMin;            // see below
    UINT  wPeriodMax;            // see below

Describes the joystick capabilities.

wPeriodMin, wPeriodMax

Smallest and largest supported polling intervals when the joystick is captured by joySetCapture.

The minimum logical value for each axis is the smallest value that the joystick driver returns for that axis. The maximum logical value for each axis is the greatest value that the joystick driver returns for that axis.