Showing Existing Network Connections

A single dialog is provided that lists all the network connections (the disconnect dialog in Win31).

The dialog contains a list box which contains the current drive connections as returned by all NPs. The list is sorted by drive letter and the rightmost column displays the network name as returned by the NP. Initial selection is on the first item of the listbox, which is a single-select listbox.

Hitting "OK" disconnects selected items in the listbox & dismisses the dialog.

Persistent but unavailable connections are specifically indicated as such. Deleting (removing) a connection removes the persistence of the connection. All deletions are attempted with no force, if that fails a warning is put up and user may proceed with force if so desired.

Most Recent Connections

Whenever a connection is successfully made for any reason other than browsing, the MPR adds it to a list of most recent connections. This list is available on the Add Connection Dialog. The list may be obtained using the enumeration APIs.

WinNet16 User Interface

This section briefly describes how the user interfaces for Windows 3.1 WinNet are supported in the Windows 95 user interface.

File Manager Property Dialog Extensions

In Windows 3.1, these extensions (WNetGetPropertyText, WNetPropertyDialog) were used to allow networks to show and operate upon network specific file and directory attributes.

These extensions are not employed by the Shell in Windows 95. Networks that require network specific properties do this using the Shell Extensions to implement their own property panes.

File Manager Directory Operation hooks

This refers to the ability for a WinNet16 driver to perform its own operations on directories associated with the network, rather than letting the File Manager do it (WNetDirectoryNotify).

It should, in general, be a two phase operation for multiple networks, but is only a one phase operation. This is because it is only used for WFWG server level functionality (shared local drives).

As for the property dialog extensions, the MPR does not add to this functionality.

File Manager Directory Icon Display Hooks

This refers to the ability for a WinNet16 driver to distinguish special network directories by exporting the function WNetGetDirectoryType.

The types returned by this routine are fixed types known to the Windows 3.1 File Manager, with icons assigned by File Manager.

The MPR does not call WNetGetDirectoryType for directories that are on the network of a WinNet16 driver. Networks that require custom icons do this using Shell Extensions.


The system network logon facility for Windows 95 presents a logon dialog identical to that in Windows for Workgroups, allowing the user to type a username and password. Network providers may display additional dialogs to handle their logon, using the standard authentication dialog or their own.

System network logoff produces a simple message box informing the user that all active network connections will be disconnected. Network providers only need to warn about specific hazards of logoff not covered by this generic statement.