Session Management Module Setup Dynamic Linked Library (SMMSETUP.DLL)

SMMSetup.DLL contains a utility to modify the SMM order for a Dial-Up adapter in the registry layout. Since the order of the SMM for a particular Dial-Up adapter varies from one machine to the others, the integer order of the SMM cannot be specified statically in the setup INF file.

To run the utility, the setup utility in SMMSETUP.DLL must be invoked with the following command line:

Rundll32.exe SMMSETUP.DLL, SMM_Setup /a|i|d <Dial-Up adapter name> <Session Management Module>

Rundll32.exe will load SMMSETUP.DLL and starts executing the SMM_Setup entry point. Three options are available for the command.


The <Session Management Module> key will be appended at the end of the SMM list for the DRIVERS\<Dial-Up Adapter name x> key.


The <Session Management Module> key will be inserted at the beginning of the SMM list for the DRIVERS\<Dial-Up Adapter name x> key.


The <Session Management Module> key will be removed from the SMM list for the DRIVERS\<Dial-Up Adapter name x> key.

The command line is specified as a part of the setup INF file for the external SMM.