
Informs the pen driver of the format of the pen packet data it will receive after it receives the next DRV_PenPlayBack message. The driver does not actually start sending pen packets into the system until it receives the DRV_PenPlayBack message with the array of pen packets.


Far pointer to a DWORD that will be updated when the driver is done playing back pen packets.


Specifies the format of the data being passed to the driver. Set to PLAY_VERSION_10_DATA (or zero) for compatibility with version 1.0 of the Pen API. Set to PLAY_VERSION_20_DATA for version 2.0 functionality.

PLAY_VERSION_10_DATA is the default action when the driver is in playback mode. Because of this, the array of pen packets will be played back in the form of the PPENPACKET structure and not in the form of the DRV_PENPACKET structure.

A DRV_PenPlayStart message must be accompanied by a corresponding DRV_PenPlayStop message to reset the playback mode.