FS_PeekNamedPipe( PIOREQ pir )
This function is used to preview the named pipe's data without removing it. The named pipe's data is copied into a buffer for previewing. This routine handles the Win32 function: PeekNamedPipe().
Supplies handle to local NP FS or network resource which contains the named pipe.
Supplies FSD file handle of an opened named pipe.
Supplies system file number.
Supplies a pointer to the data buffer to read into.
Supplies number of bytes of data to read.
ir_error | Returns status of the operation ( 0 if no error, errorcode otherwise ). |
ir_length | Returns number of bytes actually read. |
ir_size | Returns number of bytes of data that were available to read. |
ir_msglen | Returns number of bytes of data left in this message. This will be zero for a byte-stream pipe. |
ir_status | Returns the current state of the pipe. |
Current Pipe State Values: | |
Value | Meaning |
NP_DISCONNECTED | The pipe has been create or disconnected, but is not yet connected. |
NP_LISTENING | The pipe has been connected, but has not yet been opened by the client. |
NP_CONNECTED | The pipe has been opened by the client. |
NP_CLOSING | Either the client has closed and the server has not disconnected, or the server has closed and the client has not closed the pipe. |