The Programmer's Guide contains information of use for all device driver programmers. Overviews include:
Introduction to writing device drivers for Microsoft® Windows® 95. The overview includes information for the Microsoft® Windows NT™ and Windows for Workgroups operating systems.
Introduction to writing virtual device drivers. This overview also includes information on message macros (which isolate your VxD text strings, so they can be translated into foreign languages) and on registering statistics with the System Monitor (which allows you to present performance information from the System Monitor).
Mechanics of installing device drivers using .INF files. This overview includes sections on printer, modem, multifunction device, network, multimedia, and display device classes.
Description of how Plug and Play works and how to implement it in your devices. This overview is important because Plug and Play is a requirement for hardware to receive certification from Microsoft.
Description of the Windows System Debugger (WDEB386) and other utilities included with the DDK.
Information about the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), which certifies drivers and acts as a repository for tools and new drivers. This overview describes the tests included with the DDK and how to obtain (from the Internet) the latest versions of the WHQL's tests and tools.
Description of the image color matching (ICM) technology available in Windows 95. ICM provides consistent, predictable color rendering from input, through monitor preview, to output. This overview is of particular interest to printer, display, and digital image device driver writers whose devices are used in desktop publishing.
Information about how the graphics device interface (GDI) and device drivers interact. This overview is especially useful for printer driver and display driver writers.
Information about making drivers compatible with different versions of Windows 95 for the global market.