include mov al, Char ; character to write VMMcall Out_Mono_Chr mov eax, 0 ; write character and attribute mov bl, Char ; character to write mov bh, Attr ; attribute to write VMMcall Out_Mono_Chr
Writes a character to the current position on the secondary display.
If the EAX register is not zero, the service writes the character in the AL register and applies the normal attribute. Otherwise, it writes the character and attribute pair in the BX register. Uses Flags.
Specifies the character to write to the secondary display.
Specifies the attribute to apply to the character when written.
If the linefeed or carriage return character is written, the service automatically adjusts the cursor position, scrolling the screen if necessary.
This service has no effect in the retail version of Windows. It is intended to be used with the debugging version.
See also Out_Mono_String