

mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     esi, OFFSET32 EventCallback
mov     edx, RefData
VMMcall Schedule_VM_Event
mov     [EventHandle], esi

Schedules an event for the specified virtual machine. This is an asynchronous service.


Handle of the virtual machine to process the event. This value must be a valid VM handle.


Address of the callback function. For more information about the callback function, see EventCallback.


Reference data to pass to the callback function.

Since the specified virtual machine must process the event, the system carries out a task switch (if necessary) before calling the callback function. The function can carry out any actions and use any VMM services. The system completes the event processing before the VMM returns from the current interrupt.

For additional information about event callbacks, see Event Callbacks.

See also Call_VM_Event, Cancel_VM_Event, EventCallback, Schedule_Global_Event, Schedule_Thread_Event