

mov     eax, PEFFlag
mov     ecx, 0 ; reserved, must be zero
VMMCall Register_PEF_Provider
jc      Error_Handler
mov     [VM_State_Off], eax

Retrieves the offset of the restricted-event flags in a virtual machine's control block. An external component can set the flags to indicating whether a restricted condition is met. Uses EAX and Flags.


Flag bit to set or clear. Currently, the only valid flag is PEF_WAIT_NOT_HW_INT_BIT.

The VPICD uses this service to indicate whether it is simulating a hardware interrupt into a VM. It sets the PEF_WAIT_NOT_HW_INT_BIT bit when it is about to simulate an interrupt into a virtual machine, and clears the bit when it finishes simulating the interrupt.

This service is intended to be used by only by internal Windows components, it is not for general use.

See also Call_Restricted_Event, Cancel_Restricted_Event