
include vmm.inc

VMMcall _BuildDescriptorDWORDs, <DESCBase, DESCLimit, DESCType, DESCSize, flags>

mov     [DescDWORD1], edx       ; high doubleword of descriptor
mov     [DescDWORD2], eax       ; low doubleword of descriptor

Builds the descriptor parameter used in calls to the _Allocate_GDT_Selector and _Allocate_LDT_Selector services. Uses EAX, ECX, EDX, and Flags.


32-bit value specifying the segment's linear base address.


20-bit value specifying the segment limit.


Present bit, DPL, and type fields for the descriptor (bits 8–15 of the high doubleword). All bits except bits 0 – 7 of this parameter must be zero.


Granularity and big/default fields for the descriptor (bits 20–23 of the high doubleword). All bits except bits 4 – 7 of this parameter must be zero.


Operation flags. Can be zero or the following value:




Uses the DPL bits in the DESCType parameters. If this value is not given, the service sets the DPL bits to be equal to the RPL bits for protected-mode applications.

All other values are reserved.

Virtual devices must not rely on the privilege level at which protected-mode applications run. When creating selectors for protected-mode applications, a virtual device should not specify the BDDExplicitDPL value. This provides a convenient way to build descriptors without knowing the protection level for protected-mode applications.

See also _Allocate_GDT_Selector, _Allocate_LDT_Selector