

VMMcall Get_Name_Of_Ugly_TSR

jz      no_ugly_TSR         ; zero flag set if no ugly TSRs present
mov     [Name], eax         ; first 4 characters of TSR name
mov     [Name+4], ebx       ; last 4 characters of TSR name

Returns the name of an uncooperative TSR. This service is available only during initialization, and only for Windows version 3.1 and later. Uses EAX, EBX, Flags.

During its real-mode initialization, the virtual MS-DOS manager checks for and records the names of any TSRs that may prevent other MS-DOS programs from running. Get_Name_Of_Ugly_TSR checks the list and returns one of the TSR names (if any) so that virtual devices can determine whether they can successfully operate. Although more than one ugly TSR may be present in the list, the service chooses only one name to return.