

mov     edx, OFFSET32 Default   ; optional default string
mov     esi, OFFSET32 Profile   ; section name
mov     edi, OFFSET32 Keyname   ; entry name
VMMcall Get_Profile_String

jc      not_found               ; carry set if entry not found
mov     [Value], edx            ; address of profile string

Searches the SYSTEM.INI file for a specified entry, and returns a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the entry value. This service is only available during initialization. Uses EDX, Flags.


Address of a null-terminated string to be returned if the entry is not found, or has no current value.


Address of a null-terminated string identifying the section in the SYSTEM.INI file to search. Can be zero, in which case the service searches the [386Enh] section.


Address of a null-terminated string specifying keyname to search for.

A virtual device must not modify the string pointed to by the EDX register. If modification is required, copy the string and modify the copy.

See also Get_Next_Profile_String