
include v86mmgr.inc

mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     eax, BufferSeg
mov     ecx, FreeSize
mov     edx, BufferSize
VxDcall V86MMGR_Set_Xlat_Buff_State

Switches to an alternate mapping buffer. Uses Flags.


Handle of a VM. Any VM is valid.


Virtual 80806-mode segment address of the translation buffer. The high-order word must be zero.


Number of bytes currently not in use in the buffer.


Total size of the buffer, in bytes. The maximum size is 10000h.

This feature is provided for protected-mode TSR programs which may need to switch to a private translation buffer before executing protected mode MS-DOS calls because the default buffer may be full. A virtual device should get the current translation buffer state, set the new state, perform any MS-DOS call, and then set the state back to the original values.