
include v86mmgr.inc

mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     ecx, PageNum
VxDcall V86MMGR_GetPgStatus

Gets the status of a page. This service is only available for Windows version 3.1 and later. Uses EAX, Flags.


Page belongs to EMM driver.


Page belongs to mapper.


Page is part of a UMB.


Page belongs to XMS driver.

The V86PS_XMS value is not necessarily set.


Handle of the virtual machine to get information for. If this parameter is zero, the service retrieves global information.


Page number in the virtual 8086-mode address space. Must be in the rage 0 through 110h.

You can use this service to determine various aspects of what a specific page is being used for. This service can be called with any page number in the 0 through 110h range, but it is intended to return useful information only for pages above the last V86 page. One particular use of this service is to determine if a page is part of an imported high-memory UMB.

This service will not work if called during the Sys_Critical_Init message. The service is not valid until the Device_Init message. Calls during Device_Init only return useful information if paging import from a LIMulator/UMBulator is performed. In cases where no paging import exists, the information will not be correct until after the Init_Complete message.