
include v86mmgr.inc

mov     eax, FirstPageNum
mov     ecx, NumPages
VxDcall V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
jc      error_handler

Relinquishes regions above the last V86 page to the V86MMGR's mapper services for use as a mapper region. This service is only available for Windows version 3.1 and later. Uses Flags.

FirstPageNum and NumPages

Page number of the first page in the region, and the number of pages in the region.

Virtuals devices other than the V86MMGR can relinquish regions above the last V86 page to the V86MMGR's mapper services for use as a mapper region. These regions usually overlap with V86MMGR XMS UMB import pages, but this is not required. A virtual device can hand over a page that it has already marked as owned by the device in the Device_V86_Pages array. The V86MMGR marks the page as one it owns (even though it did not actually do the _Assign_Device_V86_Pages for it).

Once a region is relinquished, the virtual device must not attempt to access it. These regions may only be marked as in-use by the V86MMGR XMS driver. This happens when the region overlaps XMS UMB import pages.

This routine has a global effect. It does not take a virtual machine handle argument.