include LRESULT CDECL PELDR_AddExportTable(PHPEEXPORTTABLE phExportTable, PSTR pszModuleName, ULONG cExportedFunctions, ULONG cExportedNames, ULONG ulOrdinalBase, PVOID *pExportNameList, PUSHORT pExportOrdinals, PVOID *pExportAddrs, PHLIST phList);
Adds an export table to the export table list. Uses C calling conventions.
Address of an HPEEXPORTTABLE that receives the handle to the export table on successful return.
Address of a null-terminated string containing the module name. For example: "VXDLDR.VXD".
Number of exported functions.
Number of exported names.
Base value for ordinal table.
Address of an array of pointers to null-terminated strings. This list contains the exported names of the module.
Address of an array of ordinals. This array must have a one to one correspondence with the exported name list.
Address of an array of exported addresses. This array is used during import resolution. The ordinal is an index into this array.
Address of a list handle of export tables. This parameter is specified when a client restricts the export table list. If NULL, the global export table list is used. If the handle pointed to by phList is NULL, a new local export table list is created.
The pointers and data referenced by pszModuleName, pExportNameList, pExportOrdinals, pExportAddrs, and phList must remain valid until the export table is removed using _PELDR_RemoveExportTable.