
Consistency allows users to transfer existing knowledge to new tasks, learn new things more quickly, and focus more on tasks because they need not spend time trying to remember the differences in interaction. By providing a sense of stability, consistency makes the interface familiar and predictable.

Consistency is important through all aspects of the interface, including names of commands, visual presentation of information, and operational behavior. To design consistency into software, you must consider several aspects:

Although applying the principle of consistency is the primary goal of this guide, the following chapters focus on the elements common to all Windows-based software: Chapter 6, "Windows," Chapter 7, "Menus, Controls, and Toolbars," and Chapter 8, "Secondary Windows." For information about closely integrating your software with the Windows environment, see Chapter 10, "Integrating with the System," and
Chapter 11, "Working with OLE Embedded and OLE Linked Objects."