An object can have a default operation; a default operation is an operation that is assumed when the user employs a shortcut technique, such as double-clicking or drag and drop. For example, double-clicking a folder displays a window with the content of the folder. In text editing situations, double-clicking selects the word. The behavior differs because the default commands in each case differ: for a folder, the default command is Open; and for text, it is Select Word.
Similarly, when the user drags and drops an object at a new location with mouse button 1, there must be a default operation defined to determine the result of the operation. Dragging and dropping to some locations can be interpreted as a move, copy, link, or some other operation. In this case, the drop destination determines the default operation.
For more information about supporting default operations for drag and drop, see "Transfer Operations" later in this chapter; also see Chapter 11, "Working with OLE Embedded and OLE Linked Objects."
Shortcut techniques for default operations provide greater efficiency in the interface, an important factor for more experienced users. However, because they typically require more skill or experience and because not all objects may have a default operation defined, avoid shortcut techniques as the exclusive means of performing a basic operation. For example, even though double-clicking opens a folder icon, the Open command appears on its menu.