Presentation of Object or Task

What an object represents and how it is used and relates to other objects influences how you present its view. Simple objects that are self-contained may not require a primary window, or only require a set of menu commands and a property sheet to edit their properties.

An object with user-accessible content in addition to properties, such as a document, only requires a primary window. The single document window interface can be sufficient when the object's primary presentation or use is as a single unit, even when containing different types. Alternative views can easily be supported with controls that allow the user to change the view. Simple, simultaneous views of the same data can even be supported by splitting the window into panes. The system uses the single document window style of interface for most of the components it includes, such as folders.

MDI, workspaces, workbooks, and projects are more effective when the composition of an object requires multiple views or the nature of the user's tasks requires views of multiple objects. These constructs provide a grouping and focus for a set of specific user activities, within the larger environment of the desktop.

MDI is best suited for viewing homogeneous types. The user cannot mix different objects within the same MDI parent windows unless you supply them as part of the application. On the other hand, you can use MDI to support simultaneous views of different objects.

Use a workbook when you want to optimize quick user navigation of multiple views. A workbook simplifies the task by eliminating the management of child windows, but in doing so, it limits the user's ability to see simultaneous views.

Workspaces and projects provide flexibility for viewing and mixing of objects and their windows. Use a workspace as you would MDI, when you want to clearly segregate the icons and their windows used in a task. Use a project when you do not want to constrain any child windows.

A project provides the greatest flexibility for user placement and arrangement of its windows. It does so, however, at the expense of an increase in complexity because it may be more difficult for a user to differentiate the child window of a project from windows of other applications.