Message Notification

When your application's window is inactive but must display a message, rather than displaying a message box on top of the currently active window and switching the input focus, flash your application's title bar and taskbar window button to notify the user of the pending message. This avoids interfering with the user's current activity but lets the user know a message is waiting. When the user activates your application's window, the application can display a message box.

The FlashWindow function supports flashing your title bar and taskbar window button. For more information about this function, see the documentation included in the Win32 SDK.

Use the system setting for the cursor blink rate for your flash rate. This allows the user to control the flash rate to a comfortable frequency.

The GetCaretBlinkTime function provides access to the current cursor blink rate setting. For more information about this function, see the documentation included in the Win32 SDK.

Rather than flashing the button continually, you can flash the window button only a limited number of times (for example, three), then leave the button in the highlighted state, as shown in Figure 10.3. This lets the user know there is still a pending message.

Figure 10.3 Flashing a taskbar button to notify a user of a pending message

This cooperative means of notification is preferable unless a message relates to the system integrity of the user's data, in which case your application may immediately display a system modal message box. In such cases, flush the input queue so that the user does not inadvertently select a choice in that message box.