Adding to the Passwords Object

The Passwords object in Control Panel supplies a property sheet that allows the user to set security options and manage passwords for all password-protected services in the system. The Passwords object also allows you to add the name of a password-protected service to the object's list of services and use the Windows login password for all password-protected services in the system.

When you add your service to the Passwords object, the name of the service appears in the Select Password dialog box that appears when the user chooses Change Other Passwords. The user can then change the password for the service by selecting the name and filling in the resulting dialog box. The name of your service also appears in the Change Windows Password dialog box; the name appears with a check box next to it. By setting the check box option, the user chooses to keep the password for the service identical to the Windows login password. Similarly, the user can disassociate the service from the Windows login password by toggling the check box setting off.

To add your service to the Passwords object, register your service under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.

For more information about registering your password service, see the documentation included in the Win32 SDK.

Provider Name Value Name = Value

You can also add a page to the property sheet of the Passwords object to support other security-related services that the user can set as property values. Add a property page if your application provides security-related functionality beyond simple activation and changing of passwords. To add a property page, follow the conventions for adding shell extensions.